The Blind Luck Project

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2024 Goals - What I’m Doing To Get Ahead In The New Year

The 2024 Plan

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2023 was a busy year for me I visited 17 states and spent time with some amazing people.

All that being said upon reflecting on my longer term goals 2024 needs to be a year of focus for me.

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Every year I try to establish a few clear goals.  Writing them down is a good way to hold yourself accountable (what this post is) something else I try to do is follow the smart goal format which I discuss in my how to set good goals post S.M.A.R.T. Goals What The Are & How To Use Them.

A quick refresher on what smart goals are


S - Specific

M - Measurable

A - Achievable

R - Relevant

T - Time Bounded

This is a simple format, but I find it useful to keep these principles in mind as we choose and set out goals

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With this in mind, here are my 2024 goals

. 2024 Goals

  1. Ride 1,000 miles on my bike

  2. Invest $10,000 into the Beach Fund

  3. Max out my ROTH IRA

  4. Lose 35 LBS

  5. Reach 10,000 X follower

1 Ride 1,000 Miles on my bike

In 2023 I suffered a somewhat serous hip injury in August. Thankfully I avoided surgery but it’s going to take some work to get my full strength back.

Riding 1,000 on my bike might not sound like a lot (Less than 20 miles a week),

 But it’s going to come with some ups and downs for me. I’ll need to do lots of stretching and other off bike work to ensure I don’t aggravate my existing injury.

2 Invest $10,000 Into the Beach House Fund

This is a bit of a stretch goal for me as I have other investing goals too.

But I really want this beach house and I know the only way I’ll get there is to get serious about setting money aside for it. If you’ve been following along I recently started this fund in 2023 in M1 finance and make monthly updates which you can get by subscribing to my Newsletter to keep me accountable!

I plan to invest money I get thru X Ads sharing, Credit card rewards, and income from my small amazon business.

This goal should be doable, but I will need to cut back in other areas to hit it which is why it’s one of my 2024 Goals

3 Max out my ROTH IRA

The easiest way to become a millionaire is to max out your ROTH IRA every year. I maxed it out for 2023 and intend to do the same again this year. This years limit is $7,000. I plan to set money aside in my standard brokerage for this goal then move it over in December.

Why Wait? $7,000 is a nice chunch of change, there is no reason to lock it up before I absolutely have too. While it’d be nice to max out the IRA ASAP the smart thing to do is keep it in the emergency fund as part of the safety net as long as possible.

4 Lose 35 LBS

This goal might look familiar… because it was on my 2023 list as well. And to be fair I was doing well until August when I got injured (was down 20lbs which I then gained back which was a major bummer.)

But we aren't beaten until we give up so here we are a year later and I'm getting back on the horse to try again.

I know what I need to do to make this goal happen, I just need to buckle down and make it a priority in 2024.

Current Weight 220lbs

Goal Weight 185lbs

5 Reach 10,000 X Followers

As of today I have 5,065 X followers and I’d like to double that to 10,000.

I love posting here, I learn a lot from the community, and you are all my accountability team so the more the merrier!

My plan is to post less frequently but focus more on the data/ value dense posts this account has become known for to ensure this account continues to stand out above the noise.

Make sure to give me a follow at @Blind__Luck If you haven’t already over at X (Twitter)

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These are my 5 goals for 2024.

Part of any successful plan is getting specific and writing them down which is exactly what this post is for me.

I think they are achievable, but they will require me to put more detailed plans in place and prioritize my activities to achieve them.

I’m looking forward to a productive year! If you have any tips for me let me know below! And don't forget to write your goals out so you can reflect on them thru the year and adjust course as needed. And don't forget to follow


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What are your goals?  Do you see one that I should add to my list?  Comment below and let me know!

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